Friday, September 7, 2007

Even Ben laden diss U.S. Democrats?

If the previews of Ben Laden’s recently taped and soon to be released message is authentic and if he chide the Democrats for not stopping the Iraqi War, he should know how we Democrats here in America fell at this point. This is so embarrassing!
“Having problems with your sanity, you say? Here…lie down on the couch. I vill help you.”

Source: James Brooks
The Occupation Within

“So it is not surprising that Israel is awash in the same intellectual process of inversion that (Prof. John) McMurtry finds so pervasive in the US. Indeed, one could argue that many of Israel's ideological contradictions are at least as old as the state.”

Noting the ways in which similar inversions of meaning have been used in totalitarian ideologies, he concludes that inversion is one of the fundamental processes involved in the development of today's "fanatic mind-set":

More denial of freedom to others equals more freedom for us, and (as an afterthought) all the other "good" people of the world.

We hear that 'a greater readiness to use military force will better protect our democracy and freedoms at home', and we hardly notice. But if this mind-set is closed in its circularity, (Author,Re: Dr. Francis Welsing?) it will increasingly diverge from reality.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW and C-Span for the help,